Maccario Dringenberg L'Amiral Vino Bianco

  • $42.00

From the importer: 

Giovanna Maccario has been crafting world class wines from her cellar located in the village of San Biagio della Cima, less than two miles from the Ligurian sea, for over twenty years. Best known for her delightful red wines from the Rossese di Dolceacqua DOC, Maccario also makes a very small amount of this absolutely delicious white wine. A blend of old-wine indigenous, nearly extinct, ungrafted Ligurian white varieties, L'Amiral masterfully translates the region's heritage and proximity to the sea.

60% Rossese Bianco, with Malaga, Massarda and Vermentino making up the rest of the blend. The grapes see a short skin maceration before being fermented with native yeasts in stainless steel.